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2. Call for Abstracts


Kenya's Water and Sanitation Sector has witnessed significant reforms since enacting the Water Act 2002 and subsequent enhancements in 2016. Despite these strides, Non-Revenue Water (NRW) remains a formidable obstacle to water security and sustainable development goals. NRW, characterized by losses from leaks, thefts, and inefficient distribution, threatens economic prosperity, public health, infrastructure resilience, and environmental sustainability.

NRW accounts for 45% of total water produced by regulated utilities, translating to an annual revenue loss of Ksh. 10.2 billion; urgent ac/on is imperative to ensure equitable access to clean water. In response, the Non-Revenue Water Conference 2024 aims to galvanize stakeholders and catalyze innovative solutions to address NRW challenges comprehensively.

By uniting stakeholders, fostering dialogue, and catalyzing collective action, the conference seeks to forge synergies and drive meaningful change in Kenya's water sector, ultimately advancing sustainable water security and accountability.

The 4th KEWI Annual Conference scheduled for May 2024 will, therefore, explore the future pathways; identify challenges, best practices, and innovative solutions for Non-Revenue Water (NRW) management and sustainability of the water sector. This will enrich development of policy recommendations, regulatory frameworks, and financial models and uptake of technologies to support NRW management initiatives. In this context, KEWI invites papers from individuals and institutions for presentations to enrich interactive sessions, workshops, and panel discussions, this includes but not limited to dissemination of innovation and knowledge, experiences, and best practices related to non-revenue water, innovation, and sustainable water practices on the following thematic areas;

To view the thematic areas, submission requirements and critical dates, download the full note using the link below

Call for Abstracts Full Note